Forum Theatre and Skills Workshops

Our Forum Theatre work falls under the umbrella of our valued partners ActorFactor.

Forum Theatre and skills workshops enable you to practice interpersonal skills resulting in more effective interactions in a safe and challenging environment.

Forum Theatre uses our actors to stimulate situations often found within the workplace with fellow delegates. The script is developed with you, containing the nuances and language that will bring the conversation to life. The conversations played out may not align with the desired behaviours of the organisation, but these real life scenarios highlight the sometimes subtle difference between the positive and negative practice we witness at work.

Working closely with you we learn and understand the values and behaviours which reflect the organisational culture. At this point, powerful scripts and scenarios can be developed and the actors are briefed in the language and behaviours that accurately represent the organisation.

Interpersonal skills workshops often accompany our Forum Theatre sessions as an opportunity to further reinforce the key learnings for you. The skills sessions are impactful as stand-alone events where we can bring the session as a one-to-one practice session with an actor in a customised skills practice. If you can bring the scenario, our actors will create the environment.